C.O.A.S.T. Fish Club members keep a vast and varied collection of tropical fish species across many genus. The wealth of experience and knowledge in our ranks is an honor and an opportunity for progeny. We invite guests and members alike to make the most of their opportunity at club meetings to expand on their interests within the freshwater fishkeeping hobby. Let us all foster a sense of kinship for the next generation of freshwater fish-keepers and hobbyists alike, providing our collective support and knowledge to conservation efforts across the world and in our own Southern California region.

Membership within C.O.A.S.T. Club provides you with a resourceful network of hobbyists whom share in the fascination of aquatic life, fish-keeping, aquascaping, and breeding for profit or for personal enjoyment.
In 2024, the club started its very own Breeder’s Award Program (B.A.P.), digital membership I.D. card project, hosted its very first annual C.O.A.S.T. AQUASWAP 2024 tradeshow convention-like event, and established a network of local fish stores and online partners providing exclusive discounts and club benefits to active members of C.O.A.S.T.!
Make new friends and acquaintances within the hobby and expand your fish keeping experience. Learn from our respected collective of speakers, from renowned industry professionals and subject matter experts, some of whom have decades of experience as breeders, hobbyists, or working within the aquarium industry in the freshwater fish supply chain.
C.O.A.S.T. membership privileges also include annual participation in the nomination and election process of our Board of Directors, as well as an opportunity to join our leadership ranks and contribute to the growth and mission of C.O.A.S.T.
Membership allows for the participation in our live and silent corner auctions of aquatic livestock. We also host raffles, give-a-ways, and gift away goodie bags from trusted brands within the industry. Your donations and membership dues to the club also help pay for our club’s speakers and presentations, whom are truly subject matter experts within their respective fields of study or interest in the hobby.
Join Now** or Renew** your membership today!
Membership in C.O.A.S.T. Fish Club is an affordable $25.00 annual membership dues fee or renewal fee, beginning on the date you paid or renewed your membership dues until the same date the following year.
*If you are a new member, please complete the online application below and return to this page if you would like to pay for your membership dues via PayPal (link below). You can also email or return a printed physical copy at a club meeting, which can be located at the bottom of this page.
**If you would like to renew your membership and pay your dues via PayPal, please use the link below. No need to fill out a new membership form.**
***Online memberships close at 12pm (noon) the Saturday before meetings to allow us time to process the applications and for the speaker to begin their presentation. Please print out the application form beforehand and bring it to the meeting to the registration / membership table area to help expedite your application processing times.