C.O.A.S.T. meetings are held at 12:00 PM, typically on the very first Sunday of every month at:
Fountain Valley Senior Center
17967 Bushard Street,
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Guests are always welcome!
We usually hold our monthly meetings on the first Sunday of every month from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Although holidays, hall availability, The Super Bowl, Election Years, etc. may sometimes cause us to change dates, venue locations, or presentations.
Be sure to check for updates here on our website, our Instagram page, and our Facebook group page for the latest updates. Our meetings usually include a guest speaker presentation focusing on their expertise within the tropical freshwater fish hobby.
After a short recess, our monthly lot of various member or sponsor supplied items will be offered for auction bidding. Only members may offer items for auction. We also frequently host raffles, give-a-ways, and contests to give back to the community and freshwater hobbyists in the Southern California region.

Booking a Speaker
We are always looking to add new speakers to our line up of monthly club presentations. We strive to schedule hobby related topics that we haven’t had in the past 12 months or more. If you or someone you know may be of interest, please have a look at our calendar for currently open months, speak with or email, Ross Freeman, current club president, or Mark Chen, our former program chairman.
We do not necessarily compensate speakers for their time, as their presentations are considered voluntary. We do and can, however, compensate for their expenses; such as flight and hotel, etc. The board members will make arrangements to meet our budgetary criteria for each speaker’s situation.