COAST Monthly Agenda, Bylaws, & Meeting Minutes

In an effort to be transparent to our membership, as well as invite more participation from our members and guests to improve our club for future generations of fishkeepers and hobbyists in Southern California, we have elected to make available to the public, C.O.A.S.T.’s board member monthly meetings, which includes, but is not limited to, agenda topics of discussion, key decisions, and meeting minutes.

We hope that in the spirit of collaboration, this transparency will only serve to improve our club’s membership, goals, mission, and our collaborative efforts promoting the freshwater fish hobby as well as the conservation efforts of freshwater and saltwater fish worldwide.





1.1 NAME

2.4 DUES








1.1 Name: This organization shall be known as California’s Organization of Aquatic Show Tropicals, herein referred to as COAST, a non-profit, unincorporated association registered with the State of California.

1.2 Affiliation: This society shall be non-political, non-sectarian, and non-discriminatory in all of its relationships.

1.3 Status: This organization shall maintain tax exempt, not-for-profit status with state and federal governments.

1.4 Objectives:
A. To hold monthly meetings where the aquarist may socialize and exchange ideas.
B. To increase the knowledge of aquarium keeping.
C. To encourage the breeding, raising, showing, and exchange of temperate and tropical plants and animals native to marine and freshwater environments.
D. To stress environmental issues and encourage the preservation of aquatic species.
E. To include field trips, fish room open houses, or other excursions to encourage member involvement.
F. To support, co-operate with, and exchange information with other aquarium societies and aquatic specialty groups.


The privileges of membership are those of voting, use of the library, and participation in all functions of the society.

2.1 Application for membership. All persons interested in aquatic life shall be eligible for membership upon submission of a membership application and payment of dues, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, herein known as the Board. An applicant rejected by the Board for cause shall be provided with an explanation by the membership chair and a full refund. Applicants must be willing to abide by the COAST By-Laws. Membership is non-transferable.

2.2 A member in good standing is hereby defined as any person who has fulfilled all stated requirements for membership as a regular individual, corporate, or life member who has neither voluntarily withdrawn from membership nor has been expelled or suspended from COAST. A member in good standing, herein known as member, shall be entitled to one vote.

2.3 Types of Membership:
A. Individual (entitled to one vote).

  1. Any individual eighteen years or older.
  2. Any individual under the age of eighteen, with sponsorship of an adult member in good standing.
    Family members living with a regular member or in the custody of an ex-spouse may take part in society activities under the member’s membership.
    B. A Commercial membership is held in the name of a business and may be exercised by an owner or designated employee of the business. It is entitled to one vote.
    C. Life membership is an honorarium that can be awarded (or withdrawn with due cause) to a deserving member at the discretion of the Board.
  3. Life members are not required to pay dues.
  4. Life members who resign their membership or are expelled lose life member standing.
    D. Honorary membership can be awarded for a one-year period in recognition of service to the association. Dues are not required during this period.  
    2.4 Dues:
    A. Dues are on a twelve-month basis from the month of application. The Board will review the dues schedule each year in November. Their recommendations will be presented at the general meeting for approval. No more than one increase a year is permitted nor can increases be made retroactive.
    B. Non-payment of dues by a member shall be considered equivalent to a resignation. Their name will be dropped from the membership roster.
    C. A waiver of dues may be granted at the discretion of the Board when extenuating circumstances are made known, or for service to the Society.

2.5 Visitors and Guests:
A. Visitors and guests are cordially invited to attend up to two organization meetings prior to joining COAST and are expected to observe the same rules applying to conduct as COAST members.
B. Visitors and guests who conduct themselves in an unruly manner will be required to leave the premises.
C. Visitors and guests shall not be allowed to attend Board meetings unless invited by the Board.

2.6 Discipline of Members:
The Board may reprimand, suspend, or expel any member for cause: conduct contrary to the objectives and best interests of the organization. No disciplinary action shall be taken against any member without first giving the person notice of such proposed disciplinary action at least two weeks in advance of such action.
A. Definition of Contrary Conduct: Malfeasance or unacceptable behavior is defined as, but not limited to, any illegal activity during organization meetings or on the same premises, violent or angry disruptive behavior at meetings, misappropriation of club funds or property, or the circulation of accusations and/or libelous or slanderous statements.
B. Any five members in good standing may present a written petition of expulsion to any Board member, charging the member with specific conduct detrimental to the best interest of COAST.
C. Expulsion Procedure:

  1. Upon receipt of an expulsion petition, the Board shall inform the accused member in detail of the expulsion petition and shall conduct a thorough review of the specific charges.
  2. After review, the Board shall vote to accept or reject the petition with an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members of the Board voting necessary for expulsion. The Board may vote to suspend or reject the petitions.
  3. The Board may choose to reprimand the member. The Board must agree with a simple majority of its voting members. Once a member has been reprimanded, the Board will publish their action in the members’ area of the COAST web site. Any member reprimanded three times is automatically expelled.
  4. If a Board member is the accused or relative (including domestic partners, employers and employees, or business partners) of the accused, they shall be ineligible to vote on expulsion or reprimand.
  5. All evidence regarding expulsion or reprimand will be available to any member who requests it.

2.7 Reinstatement: In the event any member drops out or is expelled from the organization for a period of one year or more and wishes to rejoin, he or she may rejoin. At the discretion of the Board, full membership rights and privileges may be reinstated. No cancellations or refund of dues shall be paid if a member resigns before the close of his or her membership year.

2.8 General Meetings: Regular meetings shall be held monthly. The President may cancel a regular meeting with the approval of a majority of the Board. Special meetings shall be held at the request of the Board, a two-thirds majority of organization members, or the President. The annual meeting shall be the November meeting.

2.9 Quorum: A general meeting quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership present. Board members shall be excluded from the quorum, but not from the vote. A general meeting quorum shall be necessary to conduct voting on elections or any business deemed necessary by the Board in accordance with these By-Laws.


3.1 The Board shall be responsible to the general membership for all formulation and implementation of specific policies and programs of the organization and for the conduct of the organization’s business.

3.2 The Board shall pursue only such policies and programs whose sole purposes are the furtherance of the objectives of COAST to protect COAST’s assets and good name for future members.

3.3 Governing Board: The governing body of COAST shall consist of six elected officers and two or more elected directors (the ratio for determining the number of directors is one director for every 25 paid memberships as of the end of the November regular meeting). All must be members of six months duration, in good standing, and eighteen years or older. Term of office is for one year. There are no term limitations; however, only one elected office may be held at one time.

3.4 The Board shall:
A. Meet at least once a month to conduct organization business, in meetings separate from the general meetings, but open to all interested members.
B. Authorize by majority vote all contracts and obligations undertaken in the name of COAST.
C. Authorize all expenditures, but may not create any amount of indebtedness in the name of COAST.
D. Cause the fiscal year to run from September 1 through August 31.
E. Maintain a checking account in the name of COAST, with three co-signers, the Treasurer and two other Board members, none of whom are related or reside at the same address.
F. Maintain a club web site containing information about the club and its activities which might be useful to the members and the public. This web site shall include the following:

  1. A public area with information about the club suitable for public distribution, including planned meeting dates, times, and directions, meeting summaries, articles, and advertisements.
  2. A password-protected members’ area accessible to members in good standing containing information private to club membership, such as meeting minutes and disciplinary activity.
    G. Initiate projects, activities, and programs to encourage member participation and to solicit ideas from members about the same.
    H Keep and maintain in a permanent and ready reference format, a complete record of all transactions and business conducted at its meetings,
    I. Call special meetings of the Board or membership at any time if necessary or required.
    J. Accept or reject applicants for membership and direct issuance of membership certificates.
    K. Adopt the current revision of Roberts’ Rules of Order to govern the proceedings of all meetings of the organization in all cases not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws.
    L. The Board, and the individual member of the Board, shall abide by all Board decisions.

3.5 Officers’ Duties:
A. The President shall:

  1. Represent the organization in all business matters.
  2. Conduct both General and Board meetings.
  3. Appoint any other position should it become vacant between elections.
  4. Implement all organization mandates in a timely manner.
  5. Employ, appoint, or dismiss such persons deemed necessary to carry on the activities of the organization.

B. The Vice-President shall:

  1. Assist the President in the performance of duties.
  2. Assist all committee chairpersons in the performance of duties.
  3. Replace the President should that office become vacant, and appoint a new Vice-President.

C. The Recording Secretary shall:

  1. Maintain a written record of monthly organization activities.
  2. Be responsible for all general organization correspondence.
  3. Keep and maintain a separate log recording all directives and declarations of policy adopted by the Board as well as true copies of all official documents.
  4. Provide the Editor with summaries and minutes of the General and Board meetings.

D. The Corresponding Secretary shall:

  1. Write letters to solicit donations.
  2. Maintain a record of donations received and disburse donations to the raffle committee.
  3. Send acknowledgment letters in appreciation for support received on behalf of the organization.
  4. Provide the Editor with information to be published on the COAST web site relating to donations by sponsors.

E. The Treasurer shall:

  1. Be responsible for collecting and disbursing COAST revenues.
  2. Be responsible for maintaining a documented record of all monetary transactions.
  3. Present verbally an officer’s report at Board meetings.
  4. File annual tax returns.
  5. Submit an annual summary to the Editor for publication in the members’ area of the COAST web site.
  6. Co-sign checks on behalf of the organization.
  7. Be bonded at COAST’s expense by a responsible surety in an amount to be determined by the Board.

F. The Editor shall, as Chairman of the Publicity Standing Committee:

  1. Be responsible for the content of the COAST web site.
  2. Be responsible for any special publications the organization mandates, including a newsletter called Showfish, to be published as resources allow.
  3. Reserve the right to deny submitted material for publication, which is in conflict with these By-Laws.
  4. Include abbreviated monthly minutes, meeting information, map, directions, and announcements as directed by the Board on the COAST web site.

3.6 Directors’ Duties: Directors shall assist in the general formulation and implementation of organization policies and programs. Each Director should be prepared to fill a committee position and/or be active in some way that is of service to the organization and will abide by all decisions of the Board. One Director shall chair the Membership Standing Committee, and another shall chair the Auction Standing Committee.

3.7 Any decision of the Board may be subject to review by the general membership at the first general meeting following the publication of the official Minutes. Publication means published on the COAST web site.
A. Request for such review shall be by written notice submitted to the President, postmarked or otherwise received within one week following the general meeting and signed by a minimum of fifteen members.
B. Such requests shall be taken up and disposed of before anything else at the general meeting.
C. All members present shall be eligible to vote on such questions brought for review.
D. The President shall present a brief summary of the Board’s decision under review, and shall allow for discussion pro and con of not more than five minutes duration of each side, and then shall put the question to a vote by the membership.
E. A two-thirds vote by the members present shall be necessary to overturn any Board decision.

3.8 Removal of a Board member may be initiated for non-attendance at three meetings, for chronic lateness that disrupts or invalidates meetings, or for non-performance of duties as required by the By-Laws.
A. Any five COAST members in good standing may submit via any Board member a written removal petition detailing specific charges of misconduct against any member of the Board.
B. The Board shall notify the official so charged and shall conduct a detailed review of the specific charges alleged.
C. Any individual member of the Board against whom a written petition is directed shall be ineligible to vote on the validity of the charges made against them.
D. If three-fourths of the Board members eligible to cast votes then vote to sustain the charges of misconduct, the Board member charged with misconduct is then considered removed from office.
E. Status upon removal reverts to regular COAST member unless other disciplinary action is in order.

3.9 Board Procedures:
A. Whenever possible, decisions of the Board shall be reached during the regularly scheduled meetings of the Board.
B. Special business meetings of the Board shall be called by the President when:

  1. Requested by any three Members of the Board.
  2. Requested by any five members.
  3. The President requests a Special Board Meeting giving a minimum of one week’s notice, stating the time, place, and purpose of the Special Meeting. The Board shall vote only on the specific items mentioned in the call.
    C. In the event that urgent business requires a speedier decision than the Regular or Special Board Meeting can provide, the President may poll the Members of the Board individually.
  4. The poll may be conducted by telephone, in person, U.S. mail, or e-mail. However, the President must make a good faith effort to contact all Board members to solicit their views.
  5. If any such poll fails to yield a two-thirds approval, the matter shall be suspended until the next Board meeting.
    D. All Board members shall have one vote of equal standing in all Board decisions.
  6. A Board quorum herein defined as more than half of the members of the Board shall be required in order to legally conduct organization business.
  7. Except where otherwise noted, a simple majority of Board members voting shall decide all questions before the Board.
    E. All tangible equipment and property of COAST, including all financial records, books, minutes, rosters, and other records of COAST, in the care and custody of any individual member remains the property of COAST. Upon request by the Board, these properties shall immediately be returned to the custody of the organization. By mutual and consenting written agreement between the Board and the individual members involved, all works or products developed or produced by club members in the name of COAST shall be considered the intellectual property of COAST.
    F. All committees dissolve and committee chairpersons are terminated upon completion of assigned responsibilities or at the end of the term of the Board that created them, whichever comes first.
  8. Committees may be dissolved and committee chairpersons terminated at any time by the President with concurrence of a Board majority.
  9. All committee chairpersons shall render timely report to the Board. Timely means whenever deemed necessary by the Board in addition to an annual report.
  10. Committees shall consist of as many members as deemed useful or necessary by the committee chairperson or the Board.

3.10 Standing Committees:
The Board shall maintain Standing Committees to ensure the continuity of society operations. Each Standing Committee shall include at least one Board member. The remaining membership shall be members in good standing.
A. The Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a roster of Members, including name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and month of expiration. It shall be responsible for collecting dues and assuring that expired memberships are not misused. It is also responsible for assigning member numbers.
B. The Auction Committee shall be responsible for conducting the society’s monthly auction. It will create a record of all auction sales consisting of sellers, buyers, and successful bid amounts and provide this information to the Treasurer and Membership Chairman. It will collect payments from buyers and give sellers their percentage of their sales.
C. The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for the society’s public face, which includes the COAST web site, the COAST Facebook page and any other social media accounts, and publications of the society (including the newsletter Showfish), and any advertising undertaken by the society. The Chairman of this committee shall be the Editor.


4.1 The annual election of the organization Officers and Directors shall be conducted at the November General Meeting

4.2 Eligible candidates interested in running for office should submit a short resume paragraph to the Editor in time for it to be published in the members’ area of the COAST web site no less than one month before the November meeting declaring that he or she is seeking that office.

4.3 Nominations shall be taken at the October and November General Meetings.

4.4 Elections shall be by show of hands, unless a secret ballot is requested by any five members, in which case it shall be by secret ballot.
A. Nominees will be published in the members’ area of the COAST web site for one month before the November General Meeting.
B. If a secret ballot is requested, ballots will be available at the November meeting and shall be submitted in envelopes marked with the voter’s membership number to the election’s committee for tabulation.
D. Election results will be announced at the November meeting and must be published on the COAST web site as soon as is practical.
E. Ties will be re-voted at the December meeting. Nominees having the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected.

4.5 The newly elected officials shall take office starting with the January Regular or Board Meeting, whichever comes first.

4.6 Should a vacancy occur in the office of President, the Vice-President will assume the office of President, and appoint a new Vice-President. In the event that the Vice-President is unable to assume the duties of President, the Board will select another Board member to assume this office.

4.7 Should a vacancy occur in any other position within the Board, the President shall appoint a replacement with the concurrence of a Board majority to serve in this position until the next regular election.


The fundamental purpose of a web site is to promote the club to persons and organizations interested in the tropical fish hobby and to provide information to club members. An e-mail based discussion group for COAST is to encourage discussion among members about the club and other hobby related topics.

The web site shall include a secure members’ area to contain non-public information as required by other Sections of these By-Laws.

The COAST Facebook page will serve as a public discussion forum.


In the event of the dissolution of the organization, all assets of the organization and the balance of the treasury shall be donated to one or more aquarium societies and/or a conservation fund at the discretion of the Board. Assets shall be liquidated only to the extent necessary to pay all outstanding debts or to facilitate donation or transfer to another organization


Any five members may submit a written proposed amendment to the By-Laws to the Board. Copies of the proposal shall be distributed at the general meeting, published in the members’ area of the COAST web site and presented for a membership vote at the next general meeting. The President shall conduct the vote and announce the results immediately. Results will be published in the members’ area of the COAST web site. An amendment shall be approved by a two-thirds vote and become part of the By-Laws immediately. The Board shall be responsible for implementing any procedural changes required by the amendment.


It is the responsibility of the Board to review the By-Laws in even numbered years. A committee of two or more members shall constitute a Special Review Committee appointed by the President with the concurrence of a Board majority


The organization’s books shall be audited on an annual basis by a committee of two or more members appointed by the President with the concurrence of a Board majority. The committee shall be comprised of at least one non-Board member. Furthermore, the Board may also elect to appoint a non-member professional to this committee if circumstances are considered appropriate.