IN 2024, C.O.A.S.T. FISH CLUB established its first iteration of our BREEDER AWARD PROGRAM (B.A.P.), which is being organized by our current B.A.P. chairperson, Scottie Johnson. Please see the forms and documents below for detailed information regarding the B.A.P. and how to participate as a member of C.O.A.S.T. Fish Club. A pre-filled out copy is provided as an example to review below.
Breeders and members that participate in the B.A.P. will receive rankings for their progress which will be awarded in the form of ribbons, pins, certificates, and ultimately, the GRAND MASTER BREEDER title which is only awarded after achieving (500+ points)!
Novice Breeder – Only Novice Members of C.O.A.S.T. may receive this award. Spawn any 3 species, from 3 different genera, must include both egglayers and livebearers.
General Breeder – (50+ Points)
at least 2 species from Class “B” or higher
at least 2 different families
Advanced Breeder – (100+ Points)
at least 2 species from Class “C” or higher
at least 3 different families
Senior Breeder – (200+ Points)
at least 3 species from Class “C” or higher
at least 4 different families
Master Breeder – (300+ Points)
at least 1 specie from Class “D” at least 5 different families
Grand Master Breeder – (500+ Points)
at least 2 species from Class “D” at least 6 different families